Ethical dilemmas during field studies of emerging and disruptive technologies - is our current state of knowledge adequate?

A report under the SSHRC 2016 Knowledge Synthesis Grant on: How can emerging technologies be leveraged to benefit Canadians?

Stephanie Sadownik, University of Toronto (graduate research assistant for this project)
Cosmin Munteanu, University of Toronto Mississauga (faculty supervisor for this project)
With contributions from:
Zhenhua Xu, University of Toronto (graduate research assistant for this project)

Full Report:


Separate sections:

Executive Summary: Munteanu_EthicsEmergingTech_KeyAndExecSummary_2016-SSHRC-KS.pdf
Main report: Munteanu_EthicsEmergingTech_Report_2016-SSHRC-KS.pdf